The Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
"Four score and seven years ago..." These are familiar words to most Americans, but what led President Lincoln to give his famous speech on a dismal November day in 1863? The answer is the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the bloodiest battles ever fought on American soil. Carin T. Ford takes readers into the heart of combat: detailing the three days of intense fighting, introducing the major players, explaining the generals' strategies, and sharing firsthand accounts from soldiers and townspeople. The behind-the-scenes exploration of the Gettysburg Address includes Lincoln's hasty preparation, his own doubts about the speech's success, and a look at why this brief address made history.
* Reviews *
The Battle of Gettysburg was arguably the turning point of the Civil War. In this workmanlike title, the reasons for this are made clear. In brief chapters, the author gives background information and relatively detailed, blow-by-blow accounts of troop movements and engagements for the first two days of the battle. Picketts Charge receives a chapter of its own. Two final chapters cover the aftermath and the Gettysburg Address. The account of the mass burials on the fields of combat is particularly affecting and will do much to bring home to students the magnitude of the lives lost. As well, discussion of Edward Everetts two-hour address vis—vis Lincolns two-minute speech will serve to acquaint students with the fact that true rhetoric is not always recognized when it is first heard. Appropriately placed period reproductions and photos extend the text, and the maps and battle plans are helpful in clarifying troop movements. This attractively designed book gives enough information for reports but is unlikely to be picked up for general-interest reading. A sound addition where books on the Civil War are in demand., School Library Journal January 2005