Fighting the AIDS and HIV Epidemic
AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, refers to a group of symptoms that result from infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus attacks the immune system, taking away the body's ability to protect itself. Since the early 1980s, AIDS has killed millions of people. Author Maurene Hinds explains how this disease first emerged and the devastation it has caused. She discusses ways to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, and she looks at the possible future course of the illness as well as its impact on our world.
* Reviews *
AIDS may not be in the headlines as frequently as it was during the 1980s and 1990s, but it is still an epidemic in many parts of the world and will no doubt remain so for many years to come. In this fact-filled book, Hinds discusses the nature of HIV, how its transmitted, what treatments are available, and, most importantly, what people can do to prevent the spread of the disease. Its impossible to talk about AIDS without talking about sex. If you think abstinence is the only advice appropriate for adolescents, this book may make you very uncomfortable. Hinds is not graphic in her descriptions, but she doesnt shrink from words like condom and dental dam either. She is very fair, however, and always presents both sides of the myriad social and political issues that surround AIDS/HIV. The last chapter looks at the Future of AIDS and the ways that teens can get involved in prevention. The disease does not discriminate, she reminds us. And neither should we. This is part of Enslows Issues in Focus Today series and contains a glossary and suggestions for further reading., Children's Literature