It is Rome's golden age, and you are a general in the army. Your superiors want you to expand the Roman Empire and conquer new lands. Do everything correctly, and they might even let you become a governor. This step-by-step guide will show readers how to plan and win battles, build a fort, roads, and aqueducts and govern this new province the Roman way. A fun and exciting way to introduce readers to the Ancient Roman world.
* Reviews *
Part of the Step Into History series, Bruces and Peters challenge to build a Roman city is tremendous fun. With beautiful and vivid illustrations and accurate information, every step of the process is made easy to understand through clear diagrams and plain language. The book is set up so that the architect (you, the reader!) can follow the planning and reasoning behind each aspect of designing a civilization in the time when Rome ruled the world. The organization of the information is excellent, from the labeled structures to the labeled legions, the construction of the fort (inside and out) to the explanation of daily life, and the justification for various components of the fort. The building of an aqueduct and diagrams of the baths and homes are superb, as are the timeline and glossary included at the end. This book would be an excellent addition for elementary and middle school libraries and a great resource for teachers of first-year Latin, introduction to world cultures, and early Roman history units., Children's Literature