Ace Your Creative Writing Project
Ever wonder where novelists, poets, and other writers get their ideas? Author Dana Meachen Rau explores how some writers take ordinary things and make them special, and how others use their imaginations to create new worlds for readers to explore. From short stories to poetry and personal narratives, the basics of a variety of creative writing styles and terms are explained, along with suggestions for facing the "scary blank page" and making writing more exciting.
* Reviews *
These attractive books will be excellent starting points for students tackling any of the topics under discussion. The approach in each is logical and organized, presenting the steps to be followed in clear, precise prose that flows easily. Colorful charts and other graphics appear frequently, as do crisp, clear photographs. Text boxes are included when significant pieces of information, such as online safety or a definition of plagiarism, need to stand out. These titles will work for independent readers, and they will also be good resources for teachers or librarians to offer when they sense that students may be intimidated by either the research process or by making presentations., School Library Journal April 2009